School Counseling Corner

Contact Information

Phone: 496-2487 Ext 7930


School Counseling Topics by Grade

**Some topics may not be taught to all age groups. Younger grades in particular may spend more time on foundations of cooperation rather than learning about a topic like "civil debate." **

Pre K

Identifying emotions and guessing what is happening in social situations using pictures (using Second Step). Later in the year, PreK 4 also practices group songs and dances to practice social skills in group situations. 


Active listening, Hurt Feelings, Sexual Abuse Prevention, Playing fair, Zones of Regulation, Empathy, Focusing Attention, Being a good friend, Identity, Kindness, Emotional Expression, Dealing with frustration, Positive thinking, Sharing toys, Careers, Confidence, Self-regualtion, Teamwork, Relaxation and Mindfulness, 

1st Grade: 

Kindness, Sexual Abuse Prevention, Self-control, zones of regulation, optimism, identifying emotions in self and others, mindfulness, identity, recognizing fear, diversity, gratitude, Persistence, Decision-making, thinking about the future, empathy, inclusion, handling disappointment, understanding physical boundaries, consent, showing care, healthy bodies, yoga, being helpful, expressing thanks. 

2nd Grade:

Restorative circles, recognizing emotions in self and others, positive thinking, blame, bullying prevention, problem-solving, worry, sexual abuse prevention, identity, gender, disabilities, being different, dealing with frustration, getting help, activism, strategies for anger, careers, teamwork, self-talk, sadness, cultural traditions, managing feelings, friendship, birth order, stress relief, journaling, grief. 

I team

Consensus, Perspective, Personality, Body Positivity, Bullying Prevention, Problem-solving, identity, sexual abuse prevention, understanding the immigrant experience, understanding the Native American experience, Brain development, self-care, STEM careers, diversity, values, compassion, community traditions, managing strong emotions, Decision-making, Public safety, test anxiety, brain storming, mental illness, making a difference, puberty, neurodiversity, peer pressure, hope. 

Upper Unit: 

Agreement, Restorative justice, Ripple effects of personal action, repairing harm, maintaining community, careers, harassment, Suicide awareness, racism, rumors and gossip, activism, communicating with adults, mindfulness, peer pressure, respectful listening, self-reflection, puberty, sexual abuse prevention. 


At least once per year, all k-6 students will be assessed for resilience using the CYRM-R assessment tool. Sounds super fancy and confusing, but really it just looks at the the 9 needs of children and measures the student's perception of how well those needs are being met. The 9 needs are:  



Parent-child connections.

Lots and lots of strong relationships.

A powerful identity.

A sense of control.

A sense of belonging, spirituality, and/or life purpose.

Rights and responsibilities


Here is a link to a video that describes the 9 needs: What resilience is and isn't - 9 things children need by Dr. Michael Ungar

 I am happy to share a copy of the assessment by request. There are a couple of versions depending on age. 

This assessment is NOT used to identify mental health issues, to imply abuse or neglect, or to indicate developmental issues. 

It IS used to identify which students may need individual or small group social and emotional support.